Thursday, October 21, 2010

Late-night musings

I'm still thinking about Dame Cleo Laine's opening night performance @ the RRazz room at Hotel Nikko San Francisco. Dame Cleo mentioned at the outset that Americans are too "emotional"; that the British were "stalwart." In retrospect, it was a great way to set the mood for the house.

Ever since I was a child, I would try to imagine what it would be like if I were someone else. Whether watching a movie/play/cartoon or reading a novel/comic book/magazine, I would pick a character and pretend it was my life in real time. While listening to music, I would dissect the lyrics and try to imagine the events which transpired, the impetus for the words. More than anything else, I wanted to mirror whatever character I chose. Yes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But on opening night, I could not mirror Dame Cleo's stalwartness.

From the moment Dame Cleo took center stage, I imagined what it would be like if I had recently lost my husband, whom I had performed with for over 50 years. I struggle with that concept, as the longest relationship I've ever had was 10 years. Dame Cleo and Sir John were together for over 50 years. Marinate on that....

Dame Cleo held to her word; she was as stalwart as she was cheeky!

But there I sat, with a lump in my throat and tears rolling down my cheeks. When emotions like this come upon me, I have learned not to fight, but just let it flow.

Many thanks to Dame Cleo Laine, Jacqui Dankworth, Larry Dunlap, Jim Zimmerman and Seward McCain. The show went on, with grace.
Sir John Dankworth (20 September 1927 – 6 February 2010).

Photo Credit: Pat Johnson

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